lauantai 23. kesäkuuta 2018

Learning wisdom

Eino Leino is a very famous old Finnis poet. From my blog


Learning wisdom

I started reading a book about the life of Eino Leino. In the very beginning there was a picture of his childhood home taken later when others lived there. In the front there was a boat, atmospheric and wise way of keeping the boat on the opposite whorel, like Eino Leino's poems, but the trees by the house looked yound and very straight, as if those who lived there nowadays wouldn't have had anything much nature's wisdom. So how to learn wisdom if one has kind of square starting point? I have written about learning intelligence in my Finnish blog and since it interests educators, it might have been translated to English at least partly. I have translated the core: the thinking course at and at my video channel there are on playlists (Increasing intelligence, and Rationality of feelings and instincts) quite many advices about learning intelligence. One could in addition read my e-book at the first text in my blog . After that one could repeat someof the advices about intelligence: practical things to do and nature increasing intelligence. Abotu moral I have written at . One could maybe read also with links.

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5.10.2017   If one would on the other hand think of Runeberg's poems: fine sounding, fascinating, kind of eager but just nonsense. How to repair such view toward wisdom? First one would need a landscape like view with structures noticed well in it,as a way of objective thinking, lie in my thinking course. Then think of the ages old natural healthy ways of living and see human lives, humans and societies in their context, from the point of view of healthy ways of living, I mean, for improvements recommend the healthy ways of living and their characteristics. One should also pay attention to different kinds of wise answers and to how wide areas (and to which areas) they each apply, since there are huge differencies in such areas, and these as parts of the landscape like objective picture."

Living near nature ( in town)

Quotations from my blog post


Arranging home nicely

When I was younger at the capital district, I felt that my own view of what is a nice spirit in a home or in clothes drowned under all kinds of practical details. Later in Savonlinna the things available have been more in my taste, but on the other hand I have noticed that at the capital district the way of trying, it's technique was wrong. Instead of tidying small detail one should have attention in the spirit that one aims at having in the room, if how the room would be nice. Drown in that spirit, do things that fit well together with that, see that view richer and as more dominant. Then place few things, or even more if it goes well, according to that spirit, for example some area of the room, or bring clothes of the beginning season's weathers, things needed in it or the like, for one to have some spirit, some element which creates pleasant being and well working spaces. Where it does not work out so well, leave things undone this time, at most taike away some thing with nasty spirit, and leave rest later, to be done according to other factors which create pleasant life to those things which are not well taken care of by for example the window with it's view, plants on the window, curains, things there, light, shadow by it or the like. If some place has poor spirit, you can search for something to replace it with, for example some nice thing, nice hobby tool, something styly found from second hand or from others or from elsewhere ideas of what would be pleasant, charming etc. So from several pieces is the pleasantness of a room formed across time and changng from season to season. 
 For one to understand a person one needs to take into account social perceptions, things done etc. Looked at more widely, different things done, equipment etc need eacvh their own space to function well, and to understand the whole thing one needs to look at the whole room etc. Likewise the different parts of the room have their own good sides and actions suited to them and a good way of using the space there, their own spirit and the characyteristics of that part of the room, it's spirit, life there, in other words pleasantness, liveliness, well working, good moments and successful things done.

10.9.2016   I noticed also that when my window one can at some places see green outdoors ("Oh, there are trees here") and right next to it the wall of an apartment house ("yak, it was only like this"), I noticed that wehn I put the washed clothes drying thing's usual place so that my ordinary road of passing by it goes with beautiful vies and not at all with ugly views, it at once became more pleasant and charming.

10.2.2018   Here views from my window, all from the same window:

25.9.2016    Here the way of arranging the room should not be stiff or acted, at all like a theater scene, at least if one spends a lot of time in the room, since such does not make one feel well, one does not get that rest and refreshment that one needs from home. So how, if from here is a magnifient view but from some other place not, how should one choose places to sit and walk along? Reaching for looks easily falls into the trap of making a theater scene like arrangement to the room, so it isn' t agood thing to hang on, even though it can be an additional charm. Instead "here is nice to wander when there is the view outdoors, so I will place the walking route roughly here and sitting place there where it is good to sit and look out of the window" works well and one makes at the same time the choices according to the view. Generally "nice" is a good rule, since it takes many things into account and varies from situation to another."

"25.3.2018   If you search for magnifient looks yet good to live in, you ought to have some complex magnifient looking thing that fascinates you, like for example a red curved pine branch from the window. And then you should have a good fascination way of living, view to life or the like that finds such magnifient looking things uplifting. And then just arrange some part of the room with those as a theme (see the first advice of this blog post).

Finnish culture

A quotation from , but with the links and a picture added:

About being a Finn

Finns typically firstly always take care that they fit the Finnish climate, it's temperatures.
Secondly they almost always care for healthy natural ways of living that are good to live with in this climate and bring a pleasant feeling, health and high skills.
Thirdly they often take care that they and their deeds fit into parts of the Finnish society: "Live and let others live", rationally grounded moral and healthy common sense with a picture of the whole and civilized views and healthy spirit. , and
Fourthly Finns pay inside these frames attention to living a life according to their own feelings - while leaving room also for others according to the rule "Live and let others live".

Such is a quite good life!

perjantai 22. kesäkuuta 2018

Finding a good place for oneself


Finding a good place for oneself to live in

Savonlinna, a countryside town in Southern Savo in eastern Finland in North Europe, is a tourist town largely because of the summer time opera festival in a medieval castle in the center of the town. The place has it's own fascination and is for me in a different part of the country than the capital district I grew up in.
What if you find these pictures somehow fascinating but not exactly the right choiuse for you, how could you find a good choise for you? Generally in adult life, and often also earlier, in civilized countries people suppose that you have yourself chosen the things you have in your life, because you like them and because they suit you and your taste, your values. But often for young people and for part of the older ones too that is not so, you just grew up somewhere and listened to the good choices recommended there, but the end result was not in practyise as perfect for you as it was for them who so much liked such choices.
So you should move, change profession, pick favourite things, so that with each change you choose something holiday like, something that you could find pleasant endlessly. These things should be such that they give you social environment and place in the society that suits just your character, your likings and values, your idea of what a good way of working is like (it is often in a different profession that you would be suited to, or half way to that some nice kind of job and faviurite things as hobbies ) and your idea of hwat kind of things would be nice in a good home. In these it is good to reach fairy tale far in the first attempts, since for example many elderly do live in a home like grandparents' ideal. And houses near parks or on smaller places often have trees and other nature environment just outside the window, if you for example like such, and then you can arrange your home so that these good sides are central if you so wish. But all town do not have equal possibilities to everything and that is why holiday travel to fascinating places teaches you about the options, if you are not too rigid-minded in arrangements of working life, and so you can often choose something quite far in that direction after having had that as an interest or hobby for a year or after having found an option that suits just you, sometimes one can find such already on the first day. But fo course places are different: in some tourism place there may be lots of crime, murders."

Learn a rewarding contact with the nature - also abroad

Nature protection abroad: build a better contact with the nature

" Visiting the Finnish nature
The Finnish nature is famous for it's unique fragile beauty. Also
Finland as a nation without much written history has it's roots in the
old forest dwellers who were mainly farmers and at earlier times
hunters. Most modern Finns spend a week or so of their summer holiday
on a summer cottage by a lake shore.
Finns have a different attitude toward nature than most foreigners,
because the nature here is very different from the nature say in
Central Europe, where the nature is mostly farms and gardens and parks
too. The Finnish nature is wild, not gardened, and it is praised for
it's beauty and peace, and it is scarce: there are not somany trees
and not so many dangerous animals. The maybe best way to learn to walk
in the forest is to visit a small forest patch in town or some well
kept recreation area, and pick some ordinary not-at-all-rare stone,
flowers, fallen branch, fallen autumn leaves or the like for home
decoration. If you mainly admire the nature for it's beauty, you will
walk in the forest much like the Finns do. Then you also notice where
you are going, which route you came and the like, so that you do not
get lost as easily. Finns value forests for their recreational value
and for their connection with the original ages old ways of living of
all humans close to the nature. Remember to wear warm clothes, not to
let them get wet and have extra clothes in case it gets cold. Take
always care that you know how to get away from the forest!

* * *

A quotation from my blog . Eino
Leino is a very famous old Finnish poet, writing about the beauty of
nature and the laws governing life, and about love etc

"About the possibilities of going to the nature in other countries
Finland is sparcely populated and there are lots of forests which one
can visit. And since we live in the north and the cool and cold
weathers prevent dangerous animals from living here, and since the
wolves and bears have been hunted to a small population, visiting
forests is safe. In other countires it is not the same in most, since
there is more population, less nature, more dangerous animals and no
custom of everybody visiting a forest. But if you are intriguided by
the idea of the beauty and peace of nature, it would be good to find a
way to enjoy them at least somewhat. Gardens, trees, parks, meadows,
sea and shores, even flowers on the window offer a touch with the
nature. So do scenic spots, views out of a bus window where there is
green, farming and nature reserves. In a way it does not matter how
big spot of nature you have, you could even enjoy trying an insect's
or bird's view of the near environment which is often beautiful and
magnifient. On the other hand, the more the environment allows you to
drown into enjoying the nature, without sight of build things or human
foot-print spoiled things, the more profound your experience of peace,
harmony, health and fracturelessness is, the more profound your touch
with the ages old healthy natural ways of living on all areas of life,
the more refreshing your experience is, the more it gives energy and
serves as a holiday.
Another question is safety. Generally there are three types of safe
places: ones with so many people that it has been taken care that
there is safe, ones with nobody and no dangerous animals either and
thirdly places which do not tend to have any danger. Parks have lotrs
of people, but odd times may be dangerous Places where people live but
where there are trees, for example on the sides of the roads and
yards, may have atranquil atmosphere, one of nature's peace and
harmony some time (in the summer time?) when it is daytime but a quiet
moment or a few quiet moments. Some scenic routes offer harmony and
beauty even if there go cars by quite often, if just the views are
with a fascination: there a tiny flower by the roadside, there the
shelter of trees, there a view over the shore to a lake, there a bench
with a view, shelter and a comfortable atrmosphere. One can also visit
forest patches that are not so much wandered on, if one goes to
different places, in different times, often with company and a car of
one's own. By the sides of garden area's roads there is often tall
grass with flowers, butterflies etc, a world of it's own, very summer
like, kind of an ideal of love. And even in the winter time there is
the weather, the feeling of the elements with trees living their ages
old way of life.

* * *
5. of July 2016
From th text about the seasons
"The beauty of nature is partly a question of a way of looking. One
should be interested in the multitude and richness of forms and
colours, of the atmosphere of plants' growth whne looked among other
things along the way they have grown, the magnifient moments of bird's
flight, treen looked from near, the nature from the point of view of
an insect or bird where even a small branch or grass can be biggest
factors of the living environment, the atmosphere of the time of tha
day with it's birdsong, light coming through the leaves to a mist, how
one always finds new variations slightly different details full of
feeling and atmospheric for example in pine's surface and it's thick
branches, in the beauty of a forest lanscape viá trees, the different
atmosphere of each type of lants etc."

Also safety when one happens to meet people in lonely places is
important. One question in it is paying attention to other people's
sense of space: what is their home, what near environment, which are
the common roads for all to travel, do they enjoy solitude or want to
exchange a couple of words about the beauty of nature, etc. Another
point in that is allowing people socially room to live in: plus
links from there."

* * *

Relationship to the nature is not just watching the nature. It has to
do with the sense of atmospheres: recognizing the time of the day from
how high the sun shines, recognizing the basic features of the nature
environment like "This is typical pine forest." or lake shore with
splashing waves, stony shore, tree branches by the shore. It also has
to do with understanding the basic actions of how animals live and
what is the style of the plant life, like an ant running, carrying,
meeting other ants, watching, etc. In this sense in these basic things
in life the nature offers fine forefigures in such basic skills, but
it has to be the nature of your own climate and culture and not some
too faraway place, even though one can learn something of such too,
like of arctic nature about staying warm. But relationship to the
nature also has to do with understanding nature's language: admiring
the magnifient beauty of the nature landscapes and other impressive
nature views, kind of absorbing what the nature is like, how high it's
skill in those basic things in life, what style it lives and how it
communicates to humans.

Birds are social and eager to take part in the life in the landscape
around them. They may nag or tsirp and their songs are said to be akin
to music, kind of original form of music and some birds sing with high
skill. But like wild animals at öarge, birds live their separate life
from humans, may build a nest, have offspring, live their lives in the
affairs of birds, kind of symphatic, kind of beautiful and fierce, a
refreshing element also in the town environment. A bird's flight is
often magnifient to look at. "

" Kalevala and skills, the aim of this translation
- February 28, 2018
Finns have wisdom that most other nationalities lack. Part of that
wisdom comes from reading Kalevala, but Kalevala is a difficult book
to translate. This wisdom comes from learning via close relationship
with the nature and living with the four seasons, in ever varying
weathers. There is wisdom that one can learn from the challenges of
one's life, wisdom about doing one's very best and learning new
skills, and getting strenght to other things done from what one has so
learned, so that it was not just one experience but way to learn for
all of one's life.Also when one encounters something concretical and
ages old, one can learn about the basic nature of humans, about the
wisdom encoded in our nature, about wise ways of living, about
profound ages old way to live and be social, kind of basic form of
life, something which is at the core of every human deed adn fate,
even in these modern times. So my intentipn has not been to translate
Kalevala as poems or fine words but only to translate some things of
what it teaches skills for life, wisdom about the human nature and
about ways to learn about life, about what is profound in the world.
But Kalevala is a long book and this is just a beginning of the ephos.

The Finnish relationship to the Finnish nature is essential in
understanding Kalevala. But of course foreigners seldom know the
Finnish nature. So I have tried to translate the nature contact in a
general level that would apply in other climates too, even if there
are less possibilites of wandering in the nature. It is a big problem
in Finland for foreigners that they tend to get a flu and it just
lasts and lasts and so they are just ill and dizzy and don't learn
anything much while in thius climate. So what they need to learn, they
ought to learn in their original climate, even if things there are
very different from Finland. The nature is of course different too,
but in this way of learning the point isn't mostly in what the animal
or plant does, except that it is ages old, but instead on it having a
varying rythm (courses twinding in a structured way), on it having
wisdom in it's ways of doing, in encoded in it's atmosphere, in it
touching our ages old nature. And on the other hand it learning,
especially at quite young age, about what it does also other skills
needed for life, like from watching beauty of nature one learns to
look at landscapes and observe a lot, understand life in the living
and gain wisdom of life.

* * *

My other texts offer suport for this endeavour: I have written about:
* living wisely the seasons
* healthy ways of living and doing
* learning thinking skills ,
* learning other skills
* working life and feelings
I have also translated some famous Finnish poems:

* * *

February 28th is the time of the year when winter skills are at their
highest, and so it is also Kalevala's day in Finland, day of the
Finnish culture.

* * *"

"Thursday, June 7, 2018
Weathers' charm
I do not know for sure how being with the weathers, their fascination
and the reaching for the skills they need, is taught. But maybe if one
as young or beginner would go out to look at some fascinating weather,
like storm coming or storm having just passed, and just look at the
magnifient clouds, sun shining somewhere through, feel the atmosphere
of the moment with someone who understand the charm of such and has
the skills of living such weathers, for example one's papa, and at the
same time another separate thing is to be prepared for the adjustemnts
between cold and hot, moisture level changing, rain coming, sun
passing through etc, which one can learn from wild birds which do well
and from the tree species orginally from the climate one is in. So
having trees and other nature at the spot is a good side.
Similarly one can later learn about the charm of milder weathers from
those who like them, enjoy them. This is one reason why it is good to
talk of the weather: to learn skills in living, to get advices from
those who like them, them telling what is it that charms then in mild
rain sun passing through etc.
But I think it is very climate dependent what weather one should start
from and which to emphasize to find a pleasant and healthy way of
living all the weathers and moments of the day. Often more sporty
moving is good for the cooler weathers and for varying weATHERS.

By the words of a traditional Russian song (In the forest not a leaf
moves) "Even if I would forget everything else, this charming moment I
would never forget." "

About me and this blog

I am a 46 years old Finnish woman, originally from Helsinki and now live in Savonlinna in eastern Finland. I do not have a sumer cottage of my own, and during the last 9 years or so I haven't had a change to go to a summer cottage, which has made me think that maybe many foreigners lack such skills, since Savonlinna is a tourist town. I have written a lot to the internet (see my profile) and quite much also about the Finnish culture, so the original aim of this blog is to copy and gather some of those texts here, but I am not sure what this blog will develop into.