Arranging home nicely
For one to understand a person one needs to take into account social perceptions, things done etc. Looked at more widely, different things done, equipment etc need eacvh their own space to function well, and to understand the whole thing one needs to look at the whole room etc. Likewise the different parts of the room have their own good sides and actions suited to them and a good way of using the space there, their own spirit and the characyteristics of that part of the room, it's spirit, life there, in other words pleasantness, liveliness, well working, good moments and successful things done.
10.9.2016 I noticed also that when my window one can at some places see green outdoors ("Oh, there are trees here") and right next to it the wall of an apartment house ("yak, it was only like this"), I noticed that wehn I put the washed clothes drying thing's usual place so that my ordinary road of passing by it goes with beautiful vies and not at all with ugly views, it at once became more pleasant and charming.
10.2.2018 Here views from my window, all from the same window:
25.9.2016 Here the way of arranging the room should not be stiff or acted, at all like a theater scene, at least if one spends a lot of time in the room, since such does not make one feel well, one does not get that rest and refreshment that one needs from home. So how, if from here is a magnifient view but from some other place not, how should one choose places to sit and walk along? Reaching for looks easily falls into the trap of making a theater scene like arrangement to the room, so it isn' t agood thing to hang on, even though it can be an additional charm. Instead "here is nice to wander when there is the view outdoors, so I will place the walking route roughly here and sitting place there where it is good to sit and look out of the window" works well and one makes at the same time the choices according to the view. Generally "nice" is a good rule, since it takes many things into account and varies from situation to another."
"25.3.2018 If you search for magnifient looks yet good to live in, you ought to have some complex magnifient looking thing that fascinates you, like for example a red curved pine branch from the window. And then you should have a good fascination way of living, view to life or the like that finds such magnifient looking things uplifting. And then just arrange some part of the room with those as a theme (see the first advice of this blog post).
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